Monday, August 18, 2008

He's a Prince ... of a horse

Prince Joe Wrangler ... Marty's new quarter horse he calls "Joe," has turned out to be a wonderful find. We feel lucky that Joe & Toby bonded, and it is so satisfying to call out to "the boys" across the big pasture and have them both come running. Despite his young age, Joe is improving on the trail daily, not afraid to be trained by Marty about the things that can be "scary" to a horse, since horses feel prey to so much in the mountains. Joe is pretty spunky. We've taken several long rides in the last week with a great ride up Oh Be Joyful Valley today. Joe passed all the tests and obstacles that came his way.

And then there's our little princess, Abby, who is really quite the cowgirl. We had several good rides in the meadow.

She has no fear and remembers everything. Abby likes to help me lead Toby and she even rode tall in the saddle by herself with me leading her around the ring.

It's been a great week with Brian, Julie, Abby and Grant ... and as Grant's smile shows, no vacation is complete without s'mores!