Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It IS a Happy Anniversary

On July 29, 1973, that's thirty five years ago today, Marty and I got married on a Sunday afternoon in Ohio. I had just turned 17 and Marty had been 18 less than a month. We were just two young kids, very much in love, happily ready to commit a lifetime together even though we probably didn't know all that meant. School in Virgina, moving back to Ohio, starting a ministry as business, settling in Texas, two great sons; Brian and Scott, who married wonderful wives; Julie and Holley, two perfect grandchildren and all the ups and downs, the struggles and joys that go into building relationship, family, business and life.

We looked so young ... we were so young! I made my wedding dress, sewing on the last of the buttons that morning. And Marty purchased his bow tie earlier that day at Sears to go with the green suit. Getting married may have scared our parents, but we weren't scared at all. We were ready for the adventure. It's still such a happy memory because it's a great life with Marty.

Here are the top 10 reasons why I love Marty.

10. From the first that we met, Marty let me know his faith was important and he cared enough to make sure mine was also. His faith shows up in every area of his life, even in what he chose as his career.

9. Marty has always been adventurous, loves to travel and try new things. After Australia, New Zealand and France in the last year, we're planning the next adventure ... maybe Uganda and Tanzania.

8. He is generous with everything he is and has. He is willing to give and share what he has and what he knows.

7. Marty is willing to try what I'm interested in. For example, I was that teenage girl who always wanted a horse. When I mentioned that dream, he jumped right in and we've enjoyed owning and riding horses. He always encourages me to grow and follow my dreams.

6. Marty is a visionary who is also in the details. He is a great leader in our home and at Bluefish TV. But he's also willing and capable to do any task to get things done.

5. Marty is a great dad and it was a joy to parent Brian and Scott with him. Family is always important to him and he shows by his time and energy that family is his priority.

4. He's the perfect Pops. I know he's a good Pops, but you can get an expert opinion from Abby & Grant. It shows in the joy and silliness he has when we're with them.

3. After 35 years, it seems that we know everything there is to know about each other. That is a comfort, but what keeps life exciting is that Marty fascinates me. His conversations are interesting. I love his mind.

2. Not only is he interesting, but he is interested. Marty really listens, involved when someone is speaking, paying attention to what matters.

1. The number one reason why I love Marty is because he loves me ... totally, completely, and just the way I am. I know because he makes sure he tells me a lot, but more because he shows me.

So, Happy Anniversary to us. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


When one reaches a certain age, one is encouraged to have more extensive medical tests i.e. a colon screening. That's supposed to sound more discreet than colonoscopy but somehow, anything with the word "colon" in it does not sound pleasant.

Marty and I have reached that "certain age," and, thankfully with no signs or symptoms, we followed the rules and set up our times to get it over with in the same week. Yes, what they say is true - the prep is worse than the procedure because you're blissfully asleep for the procedure. Yea, we came through it with flying colors. (I'm trying to be restrained and not use the metaphor has to do with a whistle. Wait ... think about it ... couldn't resist.)

Now we come to the ironies and parallels. Today, we came home from the last procedure and found water gushing up through our front sidewalk. When we turned off the water to our house and it still was flooding, we thought, "whew, its the city's problem" and called the city. When they came out and turned off the city valve and it was still flooding they said, "whew, it's your problem, you're gonna need a plumber."

One emergency plumber = $1000+. But as we thought about this week, we'd much rather the house have plumbing issues and thankful that Marty and I did not have "plumbing" issues.

Now I am being restrained. There are so many other metaphors I could have made. No pictures of our plumbing, 'cause the doctor does send you home with pictures. And no picture of the proverbial view we had of our plumber laying on our front sidewalk ... you're welcome.

And, if you are due to have a "screening," just get it over with!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Marty

Meet Prince Joe Wrangler, pictured here with our good friend, Al. He's an 8 year old registered quarter horse that has a great disposition and ready for Marty to train and finish as a trail horse. Marty hasn't figured out his barn (nick) name. Maybe "Joe," maybe "Wrangler," definitely not "Prince." Beau is hard to replace, but we're ready to ride!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Here Comes the Bride

Marty & I traveled to Winston-Salem, North Carolina with Scott & Holley last weekend for Richard & Megan's wedding and catching up with dear friends. Scott first met Richard in 4th grade when we moved into our house. We became friends with Richard's parents, Donna & Cris and the families connected. Cris & Donna relocated to Houston about 4 years ago ... we miss them. And wow, Scott & Holley have been married for two years.

Here we are with Cris & Donna

The happy couple (OK, Richard & Megan are happy too!)

Fun traveling with Scott & Holley

This one is for Abby - she loves brides.

While everyone turns to look at the bride coming down the aisle, my favorite part is to look at the groom's expression when he first sees his bride. Maybe it's because I have two sons. I am touched every time I remember the looks of love and wonder Brian gave Julie and Scott gave Holley. Priceless. Because Richard feels like a son, it was a special time. And as I stole a peek at Donna soaking it all in, I could definitely relate.